Given how popular The Family Box Experience has proved to be, we thought it would be fun to show you some of the out-takes and behind the scene shots that go to make up the final, unique Box image.

Often, particularly if there is a pet involved, we would ask you to call in a few days before so that you can familiarise yourselves with The Box and the studio.  It raises the excitement for the shoot and prompts some ideas as to what you may like to include in the final image.

We are open to any ideas you may have. After all it will be your Creation!

Before the shoot we will put together a “shot list” of images we would ideally like to capture. Working in the Box with kids (and pets!) is often spontaneous, but the best way to link the boxes together is to plan for it. You may see other box images, but never one where the images are linked together, making it a very special family portrait session!

I get the ideas from magazines usually something totally unrelated to photography. I will always ask mums and dads if they have any ideas as well. We want to make it as interactive and creative as possible – rather than something than is simply done to our clients. I am looking forward to creating a sporting one – where a ball is thrown, or someone fishing and the  line is dangling down to the next box! Lots of ideas!

On to the shoot. The kids always find it great fun as they are in such a confined space. Posing is never a problem as their imagination can sometimes run wild! Never a need to shout “smile”!

Now when I say “lean to the left” it’s funny how everyone wants to join in!

Yes, we would like to say we don’t use bribery….but we’d be lying!

Some images work and some don’t. We have a go at the planned shots using all sorts of bribery!

Lean this way…look down here…..can you point that way?…… dangle your legs over here….can you reach the sides……… all part of the fun!

Sometimes part of the fun is not knowing what the final image will eventually look like and how the boxes link together.

Once the shoot is finished, it takes a little bit of magic to put all the ingredients together.

Ok – point this way! We always need mums to get involved!

It normally take a couple of weeks to put together a digital sample of how the final Box will look like. Once you’ve approved it I will send it off to the lab to create your unique wooden wall display!

Will it be a 20″ x 20” or have you got space for our flagship 40”x40”?! Will it be square or would you want something a little different – rectangle? A wooden block or a large print to be framed? I will help you to decide what works best in creating your final Box Creation.

Now why is he asking me to dangle this bone….?

One thing is guaranteed- no two boxes will ever look the same!  It’s absolutely unique – no other family photographer in Chester, Wirral and North Wales is offering this!

Oh and one other thing. If you want your family photo session to be fun and stress free – you will not find a better way to capture and display your family!!

Ooh – and your friends will be unlikely to have one until you recommend them to Downing Lifestyle Photography!

Oops, this may be great fun – but where’s Mum gone!?

So what are you waiting for? Ring 01513526190 / 07825221476 for more details and book your session now!

Think we need to see Dad’s head!!

Now then Mum, you’re supposed to be looking down, not at me!

The Final Image. Look back at the images above and see if you see how it was put together!

Time to take our Wall Art home! A very happy family!